Category - Endeavour Magazine

Endeavour Magazine October 2022

In the UK it has been a great time of change over the last fortnight. With the recent passing of Queen Elizabeth II, many people around the world...

Endeavour Magazine September 2022

As summer draws to a close, we can look back over the last few (unusually) warm months and witness how many people are going back to work after a...

Endeavour Magazine August 2022

Somehow, we’re over halfway through 2022 already. In the middle of summer, between vacations, heatwaves and Eid, it has felt like a sleepy month in...

Endeavour Magazine July 2022

We’ve moved offices here at Endeavour HQ, and settling into our new location has got us thinking about the future whilst also feeling nostalgic for...

Endeavour Magazine June 2022

A highlight this month was having the pleasure to speak with two separate mining companies who are making pro-active shifts towards greener, cleaner...

Endeavour Magazine May 2022

Eid Muburak! As we move out of April and into May, we leave behind a holy season for many. Notably, with May beginning with the celebrations of Eid...

Endeavour Magazine April 2022

Entering a new tax year, into Q2 of 2022, time really does seem to fly since the Great Standstill began to ease. At Endeavour, we are back to our old...

Endeavour Magazine March 2022

It’s a short and simple note from the Editor’s chair this month. As a global magazine, our attention is always pointing outwards at the world around...

Endeavour Magazine February 2022

Nothing excites us more than stories of green industry innovations, and this month, we had the pleasure of being able to feature several companies...

Endeavour Magazine January 2022

Happy New Year, everyone! It’s 2022, if anyone can believe that. We decided to start off our new year at Littlegate with a three-feature medical...

Endeavour Magazine November 2021

November is a thrilling and decisive time for industry. As businesses continue their post-pandemic recoveries, we are starting to get a true view of...

Endeavour Magazine October 2021

This month was a fascinating and uplifting one for us. We’ve gotten in touch with some of our longest-running contacts and caught up on how they’ve...

Endeavour Magazine July 2021

In a lot of ways, the word ‘success’ has been redefined over the past year and a half. Not permanently – many events rocked the world before COVID-19...

Endeavour Magazine June 2021

We’re halfway through 2021, and I still haven’t gotten used to it. The past year and a half has been unique, to say the least; around the world, we...

Endeavour Magazine October 2020

This Editor’s Note is an unusual one to write, not least because it is the first one I have written since March. We are now in October, and the world...

Endeavour Magazine March 2020

Is it time to book our summer vacations yet? Because we have spoken with a lot of hotels this month! It is still stubbornly cold here in the UK, even...

Endeavour Magazine February 2020

With Valentine’s Day on the horizon, we were lucky enough this month to speak with several companies who are all about creating a luxurious, rich...

Endeavour Magazine January 2020

2020 has a good ring to it, doesn’t it? It’s a satisfying-looking date, and with it, there’s the implied promise of a fresh start, a positive future...

Endeavour Magazine December 2019

It’s the winter holiday season again! As I write this, the Americans in our office are gearing up for Thanksgiving, and by the time you’re reading...